Covid and Test Changes

‘Tis the question. It is evident that few, if any, of my students know what will happen next at school. Some have transitioned to online school (the American School of Paris, for example), while others are still meeting in person. Other students in the French school system are rushing to finish their semester in the next two weeks, so that grades will be complete no matter what happens with Covid. The result? Endless exams! Furthermore, rumours circulate of yet another transition after President Macron’s next update this week on the news.

All of this uncertainty makes planning test prep. for the SAT, IELTS, TOEFL and SAT Math Level 1 subject tests (all of which I teach) that much more challenging. Yet, do you know what I have realised? My students are taking it all in stride. They are really staying on top of things! If I think back to the first lockdown in Paris, I see such a change in the way that students are handling things this time. Granted, things are different this time around - most schools are still open. However, the change is still constant. Requirements and deadlines are continually changing in all of my students’ schools, and they are all having to navigate this uncertainty with as much grace as possible. On the whole, I am very impressed! Yet we all know that this isn’t an easy time to be a student.

It is times like this when it is especially helpful for me to have a background in Stress Management and Self-Confidence coaching, as well as university admissions test preparation. This year, I’ve especially noticed students asking for a combination of both kinds of coaching services. Don’t hesitate to let me know if life coaching interests you or the student in your life! For more information, please visit my Life Coaching page or watch the 2-minute video (“Get to know your coach”) on my homepage.

Wishing you all extra grace and encouragement during this challenging time. It won’t last forever!

Big dreams will keep you going,



Changes to the SAT


Confident Teenagers!